NOP Import Certificate requirements for US organic sales grace period ended September 19, 2024. Are you ready? Click here.

Grow Organic With Integrity

Be Empowered by Deep Knowledge

Wolf & Associates, formerly Wolf, DiMatteo + Associates, has a network of consultants which includes organic crop, livestock, processing, and trade specialists; food scientists; certification, inspection and regulatory specialists; brand and communication managers; market analysts; and strategic and business planning experts. When you are a client of ours, you will have access to a network of expertise, resources and advisors with an unparalleled depth of knowledge. Our diverse network provides you Forward Progress with Integrity.

Our Services

Organic Regulations

Organic Certification

Material Review

Business Strategies

ACA Solutions

Sustainable Agriculture

W&A is a Proud Member of:

Since 1995, we have been helping our clients navigate what can feel like a confusing maze of organic rules. Whether you’re looking for advice on certification, building an organic and sustainable work culture, compliance, farming practices, or ongoing support with strategic direction, we make the complex rules easy to understand and bring unrivaled knowledge to our work.

Wolf & Associates has incomparable knowledge and a depth of experience in every link of the organic and sustainable supply chain, from farm to retail shelf. Learn more about organic regulations, organic certification, material review, business strategy or sustainable agriculture.