NOP Import Certificate requirements for US organic sales grace period ends September 19, 2024. Are you ready? Click here.

Growing the Organic Sector and the Demand for Organic Ingredients

With organic standards specific to pet food and mushrooms finally advancing, we are reminded of our collective mission: To foster growth and innovation within the organic sector.

That may seem like a stretch, but stay with us on this. These advancements signify not only the expansion of our regulatory framework but also the broadening of consumer trust and demand for organic products. As we embrace these new standards, it is crucial to keep our focus on the broader goal: Growing the organic industry while meeting the escalating demand for organic ingredients with integrity.

That the NOP is working to finalize standards for organic mushrooms and pet food is a testament to our industry’s progress and the dedication of countless individuals and organizations committed to organic integrity. Organic mushrooms, with their unique cultivation processes, and organic pet food, catering to the increasingly health-conscious pet owners, represent significant additions to our certified organic products. These standards will ensure that consumers receive high-quality, genuinely organic products, further cementing the credibility and value of the organic label.

Having said that, we can’t rest on our laurels, even if they are organic ones. The organic sector’s growth is not just a measure of the number of products we certify but also the strength and sustainability of our practices, the resilience of our supply chains, and the dynamism of our markets. To maintain and accelerate this growth, we must continue to innovate and adapt, focusing on several key areas:

1. Strengthening Organic Farming Practices:

The foundation of the organic industry lies in the soil, water, and overall ecosystem health. Supporting farmers as they adopt sustainable practices that enhance soil fertility, improve biodiversity, and reduce carbon footprints and investing in research and development of advanced organic farming techniques will ensure we continue to produce high-quality, nutrient-dense crops.

2. Expanding Market Access:

As demand rises, so must market access. This includes developing new markets globally and ensuring that organic products are available and affordable to a broader demographic. By increasing our market reach, we not only support the growth of organic farms and businesses but also provide more consumers with the option to choose organic. Sometimes building market access is helping producers create value-added products close to home; it doesn’t always mean shipping things on the Interstate.

3. Ensuring Supply Chain Integrity:

A robust supply chain is essential for maintaining the integrity of organic products from farm to table. We must prioritize transparency and traceability throughout the supply chain to prevent fraud and ensure that every product labeled as organic meets our stringent standards. Strengthening Organic Enforcement will go a long way to prevent fraud, but it will take each member of the organic supply chain community to maintain their links in the chain.

4. Fostering Consumer Education and Trust:

Consumer trust is the cornerstone of the organic market. We must continue to educate the public about the benefits of organic products, including their environmental and health advantages. Transparent communication about our standards, practices, and the positive impacts of choosing organic will help build and maintain consumer trust and loyalty. Organically Grown Company’s recent initiative “Organic is the Answer” is a good example of positive, truthful, and effective education work.

5. Supporting Policy Advocacy:

By influencing policy, we create a more favorable environment for organic businesses to thrive and innovate. Advocating for policies that support the organic industry is vital. This includes lobbying for fair agricultural policies, supporting organic farming and transitional programs, and funding research. The Organic Trade Association’s much underappreciated work in this realm deserves all our support.

As we celebrate the finalization of organic mushroom and pet food standards, we stand at a crossroads of opportunity and responsibility. These advancements mark significant progress, but they also remind us of the work still ahead. To truly cultivate a thriving organic industry, we must commit to continuous growth, innovation, and integrity.

Now is the time to act. Keep this organic train rolling.

Farmers: Keep applying sustainable practices that nurture the earth and yield the highest quality organic produce. Help others find their way. Your dedication to organic farming is the bedrock of our industry.

Businesses and Brands: Think big and uphold the highest standards of transparency, traceability, and integrity. Let’s foster deep trust the organic label and improved access our products.

Consumers: Learn about the benefits of organic choices and support the movement with your purchases. Your trust–and desire for better products–drives our mission forward.

Everyone: Fight for policies that support organic farming and research. Your influence is crucial in creating a favorable environment for the organic sector to flourish.

We are confident that we can collaboratively build a future where organic products are the norm, rather than the exception. Let’s commit to growing our industry, meeting the demand for organic ingredients, and fostering a sustainable, healthy world through our collective work

Join us in this mission. Search us out and let us help. Embrace an organic future.

Bill Wolf
Bill Wolf
Wolf & Associates

John Foster
John Foster

Wolf & Associates