NOP Import Certificate requirements for US organic sales grace period ends September 19, 2024. Are you ready? Click here.

NOP Import Certificate Requirements Under SOE

SOE is here!

Effective March 19, 2024, all organic imports to the United States must be accompanied by an NOP Import Certificate (NOPIC). This certificate, which is part of the Strengthening Organic Enforcement (SOE) final rule published by the USDA in January 2023, aims to enhance the oversight and traceability of organic products entering the U.S.

The grace period is coming to an end soon. Are you ready?

Seeds Adapt | USDA Gives Grants | Atlanta Show Goes All Organic

Combating Climate Change

For the featured topic this month, Bill Wolf and John Foster outline why organic agriculture is so important in efforts to combat climate change. This month’s issue also includes summaries of recent studies on how agriculture methods change seeds, which categories lead US organic sales, and how rural and urban shoppers differ.

May 2024 Farm Bill Update

May 2024 Farm Bill Update

Our own Mark Lipson prepared this update on the federal Farm Bill developments and initiatives concerned with organic production and regulation. Check it out!

People Trust Organic | SOE Bring Changes | Canada to Update Standards

Our latest issue is bursting with news, including a summary of the Organic Trade Association’s consumer research, standards updates in Canada, and California’s efforts to define “regenerative agriculture.” The Strengthening Organic Enforcement rules brought changes to the National Organic Program’s Handbook and to the Organic Materials Review Institute’s operations. Read it here, and be sure to subscribe to our newsletter over on the Contact Us page so you’ll get the next one by email.

Ready for SOE? | EU Promotes Organic | Organic Veg Exports Fall

Are you ready for SOE?

The new year brings the deadline for the Strengthening Organic Enforcement regulations—get our take on how it’s going. Organic vegetable exports are down, but there are bright spots in the USDA’s “Vegetable and Pulses Outlook: December 2023.” Concerned about how much time organic paperwork requirements take? Chime in by January 22 on ways to reduce the paperwork burden. Plus, news from Europe, award recipients, and a shift in upper management at OTA.

Organic for All | Anti-fraud tool | Remembering Friends

Bill Wolf remembers our friend and colleague Roger Blobaum this month. There’s also plenty of news from around the world, including new organic pet food rules in the European Union and a campaign in the United Kingdom to make organic products available and affordable for everyone.

Earthworm super powers | NOP news | Let’s expand markets for minor ingredients

The October newsletter from Wolf & Associates includes research recaps—with one study highlighting the super powers of earthworms. We also take a look at one way to boost markets for organic agricultural products by requiring more items on the national list to be subject to the commercial availability clause. National Organic Program updates, community news, happenings from Washington and India round out the issue.