NOP Import Certificate requirements for US organic sales grace period ended September 19, 2024. Are you ready? Click here.

August 2020 News & Policy Updates for the Organic Industry

Change is the absolute constant in nature, and in life, and it’s especially the new normal for 2020.

We now have about 50 days to participate in the largest changes to the organic regulations in twenty years. The proposed Strengthening Organic Enforcement regulatory update to the USDA National Organic Program is intended to catch us up to two decades of changes and growth in our industry…

July 2020 News & Policy Updates for the Organic Industry

If humanity does not opt for integrity we are through completely. It is absolutely touch and go. Each one of us could make the difference

The Strengthening Organic Enforcement (SOE) Proposed Rule is now available for review in advance of its posting for public comment. The most extensive update to the National Organic Program since the program was implemented, the proposed rule is designed to strengthen oversight and enforcement throughout the organic supply chain…

June 2020 News & Policy Updates for the Organic Industry

Prejudice is a burden that confuses the past, threatens the future and renders the present inaccessible

Effective May 30, a new equivalence arrangement between the United States and Taiwan will facilitate trade of organic products between the two countries. Covering crops, wild crops, livestock, and processed products, the arrangement is limited to organic products that have been either raised within the United States or on Taiwan, or…