NOP Import Certificate requirements for US organic sales grace period ended September 19, 2024. Are you ready? Click here.

Boost organic at USDA | Get ahead of new SOE enforcement requirements

Avoid Regulatory Speed Bumps

The final rules for the highly anticipated Strengthening Organic Enforcement regulations are expected within the coming weeks, and represent the most significant changes to the organic regulations in the past 20 years. Designed to protect organic integrity through the entire supply chain, the regulations will strengthen control systems, improve organic import oversight, clarify organic certification standards and enhance supply chain traceability. Wolf & Associates’ Chief Operating Officer John Foster brought together five panelists at the recent Organic Grower Summit to talk about those changes and what they mean for the organic sector.

Merrigan lists sector priorities | The Survey Says | Comment reminders

In our Featured Topic this month, we talk with Kathleen Merrigan, a professor in the School of Sustainability and executive director of the Swette Center for Sustainable Food Systems at Arizona State University, about Priorities for the Organic Sector. Kathleen also served as Deputy Secretary of the US Department of Agriculture from 2009 to 2013 ans is known for authoring the law establishing national standards for organic food and the federal definition of sustainable agriculture.

This issue also contains important news about upcoming regulatory changes, survey results, upcoming events and more!

June 2022 Climate is hot | Gen Z cares

Climate is a hot topic

In our Featured Topic this month, we talk with Katherine DiMatteo about Climate Change Mitigation and what actions your business can take to help. We also take a look at Younger Shoppers and their attitudes towards Organic and Sustainable Products.

This and more news about organic industry and regulatory issues – both US and international.

February 2022 News & Policy Updates for the Organic Industry

Abraham Lincoln

We can at last welcome the newest appointees to the National Organic Standards Board. Congratulations and thank you for volunteering the time and expertise over the next five years. We look forward to hearing your perspectives on growing organic with integrity.

This issue brings a new section—Hot Topics! The first expert featured in the Hot Topics section is the newest member of the Wolf & Associates management team, John Foster.

January 2022 News & Policy Updates for the Organic Industry

With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts

Happy New Year! The darkest days of winter have passed, and we’re looking forward to spring and new beginnings, even if the year has had a bumpy beginning for the organic community.

With the new National Organic Standards Board members set to start their terms January 24 when retiring members’ terms end, we had hoped to be able to congratulate them and welcome them to the Board. The USDA’s appointments, however, have not yet been released. The last time we had a big gap in appointments was when…

December 2021 News & Policy Updates for the Organic Industry

With supply and capacity constraints, shifting market demand, and ongoing pandemic uncertainty, the last two years have certainly tested the organic community. For the most part, we have risen to the challenges.

Our Senior Associate John Foster recently attended the Organic Grower Summit, a two-day conference and tradeshow sponsored by the Organic Produce Network and Western Growers…

October 2021 News & Policy Updates for the Organic Industry

News & Policy Updates for the Organic Industry

With the National Organic Standards Board meeting coming right up, we’d like to share some of our key concerns and suggested action steps for the Board.
First, the National List is a toolbox for helping organic production, not a soapbox for individual opinions or misleading information. Let’s encourage more people to go organic, and offer a practical toolbox appropriately limited according to the criteria the community has established. Follow the criteria, and keep increasing or improving the tools available for organic agriculture and production.